One of my favourite ways to eat eggs is poached… How good does that look? Spicy chorizo, mushroom and feta with poached eggs

The problem is a lot of people are afraid to try their hand at poaching thinking it’s too difficult a method. This is where the cling film method comes in, but before you say something about the rubbish left from such a cooking method, yes I agree but the benefit of poaching eggs using this method is you can use older eggs.
The traditional method of poaching requires you to have the freshest eggs so that the egg white is a firm ball surrounding the yolk. This is important because you need the white to hold form in the water. Using an older egg will mean the egg white is looser and you will just have egg white ‘ghosts’ floating around in your saucepan. Not very appealing at all!
Poaching in cling film means you can use older eggs – not everybody has chickens on hand and not every carton of eggs you buy are as fresh as you need them for traditional ‘free fall’ cooking, so having this method on hand is very helpful when the craving for poached eggs hits.
How To Poach Eggs In Cling Film instructional…

Happy brunching! Β Blondie Β π
[…] Blondie (2014). How to poach eggs in cling film. (dostΔp […]