A little taste of Bali – Base Genep a.k.a awesome Indonesian spice mix

Base Genep
Click image for recipe

Have you ever suffered from holiday envy? No? Then consider yourself lucky!

For me, it seems that EVERYONE I know has either just come back from holidays, is on holidays or is about to take off for their holiday. In the last two months I have had people taking off for trips across the USA, Disneyland, Atlantic QM2 crossing, Hawaii, Europe, a Bali diving getaway, going to the Rugby World Cup quarter finals to see the Wallabies take on Scotland! (this one annoyed me the most!) Even my own Mini Me had her own two week get away over the school holidays.

October and November are difficult months for me. Characteristically they are hectic & crazy office days with me running around like a chook with no head on. It’s like the world knows that I am desperate for my own holiday and keeps on throwing other peoples holidays my way.

With my own getaway in sight I went through my holiday happy snaps, Europe, Thai Land, Queensland, NZ, and Bali.

Bali is our families go-to-place to get away and really relax without feeling the need to have to do something everyday, mainly because we have been there a few times.

Going through my travel photos I came across ones of my favourite restaurant in Ubud called Indus, owned by ex-pat Australian Janet De Neefe, creator of the Ubud Writers & Readers Festival. Janet was born and bred in Melbourne but after falling for a Balinese man in 1984 she moved to Ubud and I guess as they say, the rest is history. She now runs Indus and Casa Luna. The cooking school at Casa luna is world renowned, being listed as one of the best cooking school in the world by ‘The Australian’ newspaper.

Indus is a short 5 minute drive from the center of town and is set overlooking awe inspiring, lush rolling green hills. I still remember my very first visit, it was October 2002, my first trip to Bali, hubby had lost count with his. We had booked three nights in Ubud and Indus was not very far from our hotel. The restaurant was recommended to us by our dear friend and tour guide extraordinaire Made Dampol.

Our experience was amazing. The atmosphere, the service and the food was fantastic. Indus overlooks the Tjampuhan river however walking into the restaurant you have absolutely no idea what beauty awaits you towards the end of the their courtyard. I highly recommend visiting around the 5pm mark to feast on their divine menu, Balinese with a modern twist whilst watching the sun cast long shadows over the lush green hills.



Like all good things our holiday came to an end but when I came across Janet De Neffe’s book ‘BALI’ in the store I was like a child in a candy shop! I ran home with the book in hand and studied it from page to page, drooling over which recipe I would make first, a little difficult considering they all look good!


I settled on Base Genep. A traditional spice paste that the Balinese use to flavour many of their dishes with. It translates to the complete spice mix.

Ingredient list in hand I was off and running…until I hit a brick wall called kencur root! Yep! Absolutely no one sells it within a 30 km radius of me! I went into all sorts of Asian shops and most of the people looked at me as if I was speaking another language. Luckily Janet states that if you can’t find kencur not to worry about it.

I have to agree with Janet that “the ingredients list was a bit daunting” BUT me being the student and her being the teacher I followed her instructions to the nth degree, which included grabbing a glass of wine (a large glass) and working through everything in your mortar.

I soon found myself working up a horrible sweat pounding all the ingredients together. I did think of throwing everything into the electric mixer…but that would defeat the purpose. If my food was going to taste great I had to work at it!

About 20 minutes into it I had the most amazing, aromatic and HOT smelling paste! Be warned…it’s definitely not for the faint hearted…but it tastes awesome in a variety of recipes and forms the most amazing base.

You can keep the paste in the fridge for a week and it can be used in a variety of different dishes.

Bella 🙂

Book Review – A Table in the Orchard, My Delicious Life + a yummy biscuit recipe!

Click image for recipe

A Table in the Orchard, My Delicious Life by Michelle Crawford

It’s funny how getting married and having your own family can change you completely.

I have been a city girl for most of my adult life, loving the fast paced mood that our beautiful coastal city, Sydney has to offer however since meeting the Hubby and having Mini Me my outlook on living in the city and future aspirations have changed considerably.

For a number of years I have been longing for a life in the country. A warm and cosy farmhouse overlooking expansive mountain ranges. A place where I can sit on my wooden deck sipping my favourite Sauvignon Blanc (New Zealand Marlborough region of course!) whilst I ogle over the latest cook book with Blondie. Yep, her family will be on the farm next door!

So it’s no wonder that when I stumbled upon Michelle Crawford’s memoir,  A Table in the Orchard, My Delicious Life I instantly knew that the book had to come home with me!

“I dreamed of a rambling old farmhouse where I could grow my own food, learn how to bake cakes and make jam. I wanted to wear gumboots. Every day”.

Michelle Crawford

That’s me! The little voice inside me said instantly. I echo those exact thoughts and I also happen to wear gumboots!


Michelle’s book is beautifully written with each chapter taking you on a very special journey into her sea change.

After leaving her job with the Sydney Symphony Orchestra where she was kept busy organising fundraising events, Michelle and her family settle in Tasmania’s Huon Valley where she gives the readers an insight into her new life, a life in the country away from the hustle and bustle.

Whether it be it be setting up house and looking for a Rayburn oven, the roys royce of ovens which is now on my own wish list, to stories about apples, potatoes, lemon trees dying and being reborn, long hot summer days spent by the river, or foraging for dinner when the kitchen is a little bare, Michelle makes you feel very much apart of her journey.

Of course no country farmhouse would be complete without a few chickens that lay some farm fresh eggs and trust me Michelle get’s a little more than she bargains for with these ones!

My favourite chapter would have to be ‘Autumn’, which also happens to be my favourite time of the year.

“The leaves are turning gold, there is a distinct dampness in the air and fog has started to settle in the valley. I love this time of the year; cosy log fires and favourite woollen cardigans pulled from hibernation”.

Michelle Crawford

The book is gorgeously illustrated with picturesque images of a place that boasts beautiful local produce. It will evoke your sense of adventure and inspire the foodie within you.


There are 34 lovely recipes to road test from salted apple caramels, campfire roast chicken, overnight baked beans and this one for chocolate wheaty biscuits which my own Mini Me just loves. They are quick and easy and hit the spot with a warm cup of milk or hot chocolate.

Chocolate-Wheaty-Biscuits- Finding Feasts

A special shout out to Michelle Crawford for allowing me to use her images from her book for this post and for the encouragement to make my own sea change. If you are ever back in Sydney over autumn, come wild mushroom foraging with us!

Book details:

ISBN: 9780857983626
Published: 01/05/2015
Imprint: Ebury Australia
Extent: 320 pages
Available from all good book stores and very highly recommended!
Bella Hyde 🙂

Nutella Puff Pastry Rolls

FinSki's Nutella Pastry Roll 1
Click on image for recipe

Good coma! That is the only way that I can describe how I felt last night so making nutella puff pastry rolls was the last thing on my mind.

My day started yesterday with a lovely cup of my favourite Roobios and Vanilla bean tea which was enjoyed with a chocolate croissant. I really should have stopped there but three hours later it was out for lunch with work for our annual team birthday lunch at Jagos on Miller. Instead of celebrating a birthday a month, or in some cases a few birthdays in a week we take ourselves out once a year and celebrate everyone’s birthdays at the same time.

Jagos on Miller is a lovely little cafe/restaurant which does good basic meals. Their menu doesn’t really change much but why fix something when it’s not broken right? The service is quick and friendly, perfect for a work lunch, especially when you have to go back to the office. I had fish cakes with asian herb salad and sweet chilli sauce. A very substantial dish composed of two fish patties. I was adamant that it would end there but nope, the whole team was having desserts and as much as my tummy was saying no the left side of the brain took over. As soon as the waitress asked me to take my order I blurted out…yes please I will have the chocolate mousse tart which I have to say was pretty ahhhmazing!

I don’t have a photo to show you because it literally lasted only a few seconds on my plate!

Walking home at aerobic pace so that I could work off the brick in my tummy I promised myself that I would stay away from all food until the morning. I found myself however making these nutella puff pastry rolls for the teams morning tea! Sugar over load right!

I love nutella. We always keep a jar of it in the cupboard however as silly as it sounds it never occurred to me to make a dessert with nutella until a few months back when I came across these very delish but very filling nutella scrolls at our local coffee shop, Cafe Andiamo in North Sydney. They are so filling that when we get one at work, we share it amongst 4 staff members and two of them are blokes!

FinSki's Nutella

My nutella puff pastry rolls are what I call the lighter alternative, if there is such a thing with puff pastry and nutella! Quick and easy to make with literally only two ingredients needed. Three if you decide to count the icing sugar!

FinSki's Nutella Pastry Roll 2

So as you can see, it definitely was a chocolate/sugar indulgent day, but as Blondie said to whilst I sipped my glass of wine…we are allowed to splurge now and again.

Bella 🙂 


Vertical garden from a wooden pallet


Ask my father and he will tell you that growing up I hated anything to do with gardening. I hated our garden with a passion. It probably didn’t help that mum and dad forced my brother and I to weed the backyard lawn with hand weed pickers! A very mundane and long task! It was a weekend chore that was the cause of many tears and arguments, mainly over me trying to get out of the weeding. The lawn had to be spotless and weed killer free!

Back then I didn’t understand what all the fuss was about with growing your own vegetables, fruits and herbs. To me it was so much easier to just get it from the shop.

Fast forward 25+ years and the tide has changed. I dream of one day owning a little plot of land out in the country. One that boasts a lush vegetable and herb patch. For now though I have to settle for a house with a small courtyard.

Living 10 minutes away from the city has its positives and negatives. Great restaurants are within walking distance. Parking is a bitch, every day! Living in a townhouse means that my ability to have a garden is very limited. What small outdoor area we do have contains a BBQ, outdoor setting and our fire pit (a must in autumn and winter!) The remaining floor space is occupied by Ti our cat and Spot the bunny rabbit. Both furry four legged animals have taken it upon themselves to claim what available land we have left and use it for their toilet needs. Not the compost I had in mind!

The idea of having a vertical garden came to me some months ago when Spot demolished some wild strawberries we had growing in the garden. I started to research balcony gardens and came across vertical gardens designed from wooden pallets. Yipee! With plenty of free pallets around in Sydney my vertical garden came alive last weekend.

It took 6 hours in total. Hubby built the leg support stand but was retired from service when he tried to staple with first weed protector sheet to the pallet, not up to the standard.

I am proud as punch of my achievement. My legs and arms were a little worse for wear a few days after but I now have a little small thriving garden. It will be interesting to see what vegetables and herbs grow best over the coming months and can’t wait till my first harvest.

Ps…If you are short on space in your yard Milkwood have written a lovely story about Best Edible Plants for your vertical garden. Lots of useful information and handy tips on setting up your own garden.

If you have a vertical garden I’d love to hear from you.

Bella 🙂

Ready for planting!
The cat supervising the paint job!

Christmas Tree Ice Cream Cones

Christmas Tree Ice Cream Cones
Click image for recipe

You would have had to been living under a log the last few weeks to not know that it is Christmas in 11 sleeps!

I am a Christmas junkie! I love the food, the wine, the decorations and of course the planning which starts for me as soon as humanly possible! Our Christmas tree goes up religiously on the 1st of December however if the 1st should happen to fall on a week day then you can legally without offending the Christmas spirits put your tree and decorations up the weekend before! Decorating is a huge event, the boxes come out, the Buble Christmas tunes are pumped and I plot around the house with with a glass of champagne whilst Imogen decorates the tree. The hubby on the other hand prefers to have a beer or two at the local, however he is getting better with the decorations going up!

It turned out that this year hubby had two work functions each night so paper art decorations in hand Imogen and I decorated our lounge and dinning room. Very proud of our colour coordinated efforts!


Back to the food aspect of Christmas! These little ice cream cone Christmas trees are too easy to make and the kids will love helping decorate them!

You need to ensure that the ice cream freezes well otherwise it will melt too quickly when you take the cones out. Although we didn’t have this problem, they were all gobbled up within seconds of coming out of the freezer!

If you have a Christmas inspired desert then please feel free to share!

Merry Christmas and Wesołych Świąt!

Bella 🙂

Poppy Seed Pate Cake with Baked Ricotta

FinSki's Poppy Seed Pate Cake with Baked Ricotta1
Click on image for full recipe

This is a Polish marriage made in heaven! Poppy seed cheesecake or as I now call it, Poppy seed pate cake with Baked Ricotta!

You might remember that a while ago I came across this tub of poppy seed pate mixture at my local continental grocer.

FinSki's Poppy Seed Pate Cake with Baked Ricotta2

Happily handing over my cash to the register operator I ran home and ogled hundreds of recipes for poppy seed mixtures. Most of them called for ingredients that I didn’t have and being a Sunday I was determined to not have to venture out into the shops again.

My pantry had Anzac biscuits that had a week left prior to the use by date and sugar. In the fridge I had butter, a kilo of ricotta and eggs.

What on earth did you do with the Anzac biscuits I hear you ask?

Well, as crazy as it sounds they were the base for the cake, a baked base! At first when I put all the ingredients together I had a mini melt down, I remembered that when you typically make a cheesecake base with digestive biscuits, you don’t bake the base. You let it set with the cheese on top.

With my cheesecake about to go into the oven, I couldn’t give up now, no matter how large the error was!

When the cake was in the oven at 180º C the butter melted slightly and leaked onto the bottom of the oven tray, but once the cake cooled down my baked Anzac biscuit base was amazing. The hard set biscuit base complemented the softness of the baked ricotta and poppy seed pate.

FinSki's Poppy Seed Pate Cake with Baked Ricotta3The rest of the cake was divine too!

Will I make this exactly the same again…hell yes!

What errors have you made in the kitchen that have ended up working out ok?


Wild mushroom soup

Finding feasts - Wild mushroom soup
Click image for recipe

Warm up this winter with a beautiful wild mushroom soup!

With winter finally arriving in Sydney (although obviously not today as it is going to be 25 degrees!) I decided to celebrate the cold July by throwing a Christmas in July dinner party. Menu planning had begun many weeks ago! Books were gone gone through, magazines pulled, lists made up, list torn up only to be made up again. This was no ordinary dinner, I wanted to show case skill, technique and obviously good hearty dishes. A three course feast was settled on, consisting of entree and main prepared by me and dessert by Blondie.

The menu consisted of…

Wild Mushroom Soup

Sous vide Chicken, Wilted Greens, Verjuice Butter Sauce

Yoghurt Panna Cotta, Poached Pear & Quince, Pecan Crumb & Frozen Chocolate Wind

Being Polish I’m no stranger to soups, they were and still are a daily staple and on the menu at mums place so when it came to the entree for our Christmas in July dinner, Wild mushroom soup was a no brainer decision.

Mum make what I would say one of the most amazing wild mushrooms soups from a recipe that was handed down to her my my fathers mother, my Babcia and whilst its pretty amazing for this dinner I wanted to try something a little more hearty, full of body.

Pen and paper in hand I jumped onto the trusty internet and the research had begun. I must have looked at hundreds of mushroom soup recipes and they all looked very similar to each other until I came across Jamie Oliver’s The Real Mushroom Soup recipe. It looked earthy and full of flavour.

Decision made!

I of course didn’t follow the recipe too the tee, and used my private stash of FinSki’s Saffron Milk Cap and Slipper Jack mushrooms.

I had some tough critics to please that night…the husbands, but the finger licked bowls spoke for themselves.

Will I be making this again…a definite YES!

Bella 🙂