Grilled Turmeric & Oregano Chicken w/ Green Goddess Dressing

Cooking Eating Storytelling
Chocolate Dipped Marshmallow Easter Eggs … Looking for bright and colourful ideas for Easter this year lead me to find these gorgeous little things at Kitchen Simplicity. These are incredibly simple to make – once you work out how to mould them, and they look so divine!
Cheri says to wet your hands so as to make the forming of the eggs easier. I went the latex glove route, just to be sure, wet them and then dove into the mixture….
OMG! It was like dealing with some hyper viscous, glue demon. I could not get it off my hands, there were strings of marshmallow flying around the kitchen and no sign of the Rice Bubbles even coming close to forming a ball.
About to give up and go the way of Cheri’s other idea of forming a slice rather than going through the work of making eggs; I decided to take off the gloves, get my greased spoon and use plastic wrap to control the unruly Rice Bubble mixture (inspired by Heston Blumenthal’s scotch egg recipe that I had watched the previous night – thankfully!) and it worked – beautifully!
I will definitely be doing these again next year, maybe with white chocolate and different food colourings for a more rainbow look.
Everyone knows that Bali is our family’s go-to holiday place for a stress free holiday. Yeah you bump into the occasional Bali Bogan but then again I see those around Sydney’s North Shore on a weekly basis too. I love celebrating Christmas at home with family and close friends, the turkey with all the trimmings but Mr H was intent on getting away from it all over the Christmas and the holiday season.
Whilst no particular planning or research was necessary we did seek the advice of our long time friends, Made Damplo and Dani Sulistyo. We have known these two since our first meeting in 2002. Their advice was something along the lines of, if you stay in Seminyak or surrounding suburbs don’t bother driving or getting a taxi. Getting out of Seminyak or Kuta can take 1-2 hours! And boy did we learn that first hand!
Requirements for the holiday were as follows:
The holiday was broken up into two locations. 5 nights in Nusa Lembongan staying at Villa Bukit 1 followed by 5 nights in Seminyak staying at the Best of Seminyak: Beach & Town Villa 2. On arrival also stayed one night at the Grand Hyatt Bali in Nusa Dua.
Booking our holidays normally rests with me. That’s not to say that Mr H does not have the final say on the decision making process. The research is done by me, mainly because I am an absolute research freak. On this occasion however Mr H did all the hard work. Villa Bikit was found through The Lembongan Traveller, an excellent guide to everything on Nusa Lembongan.The villa in Seminyak was booked through Airbnb, a gamble that payed off big time!
Flight wise our chosen mode of transport was Air Garuda. Everyone has horrible flight stories of planes being delayed, flights being cancelled, luggage going astray or poor service however Garuda has always worked for us. The flights leave Sydney at the respectable hour of 10 am and arrive at 1.15 pm Bali time. Going home is the red eye flight however you can’t win them all, can you? We have always found the Air Garuda staff friendly, professional and happy to help. Asking for that extra glass of wine to settle the nerves is no problem for them. Air Garuda took out the ‘Best Cabin Crew 2015‘ award by SkyTrax, a London based independent airline raking agency. Not bad for, considering SkyTrax surveys 18 million travelers each year! They had also won it the year before.
The lead up to our getaway was not the most enjoyable one for me. Some how on the 3rd of December I had woken up with a strange tummy bug which had decided to take up residence in my body until it was time for us to fly out to Bali on the 23rd of December. Now for those of you that have been to Indonesia you will agree that arriving with a tummy bug is the last thing you want to be doing.
Armed with every pro-biotic, naturopathic and homeopathic medicine under the sun including the harder drugs like immodium the H family were off for 11 nights and 12 days of sun, cocktails and lounging by the pool. Assisting in the Christmas festivities were my work colleagues and friend Naomi and her son Ronan who is in the same class as Miss H.
Traveling over the Christmas and New Year period meant that our holiday was booked well in advance, 10 months in fact meaning that we enjoyed reasonable airfare prices. What we saved on air travel meant that we could splurge on the accommodation.
Air fare cost for the three of us traveling economy was $2,900. Cost of Villa one was $1,900 however that was split between two families. Cost of Villa two was $2,000 for three people. Food and beverage and activity budget was a loose $2,000, $2,500 if you count mine and Mr H’s duty free shopping. I guess in total the holiday cost us around $9,300.
Although we are frequent travelers to Bali there are still so many places that we have not explored so we settled on spending 5 nights on the island of Nusa Lembongan. The island is famous for its jaw dropping sunsets, killer surf breaks and snorkeling. It’s distance is approximately 21.4 km from Sanur which equates to an approximate 20-30 minute speed boat ride.
Our second port of call was the trendy and fashionable suburb of Seminyak, although from this experience anyone and everyone now calls Seminyak home! Dwaine and I were married in Legian in 2004, our reception was at Gado Gado and the after party at Ku De Ta. Back then this part of Bali was almost remote, Ku De Ta was the last bar, past that there was nothing there, now hotels span as far as the eye can see. When we visited Ku De Ta for our post wedding party I had to take my shoes off and walk up a dirt road, fast forward 11 years and wow how things have changed. The place was insanely busy!
Overall we had an amazing time. Would there be things that we would do differently? Absolutely! No matter how much you travel and how many times you visit a destination, you continue to learn.
Read about my whole trip here…
Pecan pies are like an old friend you haven’t seen for a while but have fond memories of the times you had together.
My first pecan pie memory is with my uncle. We had just traversed across to Kareela Hutte through an absolute blizzard from Antons at Thredbo ski resort, we couldn’t see the tips of our skis it was the worst snow conditions I had ever been in. We were frozen and sore from being on such an extreme incline for so long and just desperately trying not to get blown down the mountain. That pie was the best darn pie I had ever had… I don’t even remember what else I had for lunch that day, just that pie.
Although there are a thousand different recipes for Pecan Pie I have a couple of little differences in this recipe to a ‘standard’ one. Firstly the pastry is a cookie dough so you don’t need to blind bake the case but you still end up with a flaky, slightly crumbly texture, which we all love in a tart! Secondly, I use maple syrup instead of corn syrup – It may not be the healthiest dish but you may as well keep it as simple and clean as possible.
Reconnect with old friends… Blondie
Chinese food is a weakness of mine. Hubby and I use to love ordering massive amounts of food from my favourite Chinese restaurant up the road and then spend the night gorging ourselves – Honey king prawns, Mongolian lamb, Peking duck, Beef in black bean sauce, mixed entrees and rice. It certainly wasn’t all eaten in one sitting but also enjoyed over the next couple of days. Chinese food, for me, has always meant that you would sit yourself down in front of a banquet of food and enjoy the slow procession of tasting each and every dish, just one of the reasons why I love Yum Cha so much. As ‘street’ as Yum Cha is, it still has a decadence that’s very appealing.
Yesterday though, I suddenly realised that I should try making some of these dishes myself. I chose Honey king Prawns and Mongolian Lamb to be my first dishes. Both turned out to be so much better than my favourite restaurant’s equivalents that I will forever now be making them myself. The Mongolian Lamb was outstanding but was all eaten so I don’t have a photo to put up yet, will blog about it shortly. The Honey King Prawns were perfect. Lightly battered and a simple honey sauce drizzled over the top.
Chinese food is very quick, so quick in fact that you really can produce your own banquet of food without feeling exhausted at the end of it.
Happy Year Of The Monkey!
Lets be honest, not all chocolate brownies are created equal. There are brownies which can be dry and crumbly, sometimes leaving you feeling like you have just consumed a cardboard box with some sugar added to it, or brownies that are rock hard which means that are not brownies at all, rather more of a biscuit, and then there are brownies which have just the right amount of chocolate / cocoa goodness, a soft like centre and melt in your mouth yumminess. These are MY Brownies!
My gooey dark chocolate brownies are made with 70% dark chocolate, cacao, salted butter, eggs and sugar. These simple ingredients all to come together to form a gooey and decadent dessert.
They are rich but not overly sweet so you can definitely come back for more. Bake the brownies for around 40 minutes for a soft and gooey brownie centre – nothing else compares!
Enjoy! Bella
Woohoo! My first post for 2016! Yikes, where does the time go to these days? It seems that one day I am packing for an exciting overseas Christmas holiday and the next I am getting ready to celebrate Australia Day.
“I love a sunburnt country,
A land of sweeping plains,
Of ragged mountain ranges,
Of droughts and flooding rains.
I love her far horizons,
I love her jewel-sea,
Her beauty and her terror –
The wide brown land for me!
Dorothy Mackellar
Happy Australia Day for tomorrow everyone! A day of celebrating and paying respect to our rich and diverse culture and heritage. A day of cranking up the barbie and feasting on lamb, meat pies, sausage rolls, lamingtons, and pavlovas whilst listening to a bit of Triple J’s Hottest 100 and partaking in a game of backyard cricket. For those like me who have no backyard, it is a case of watching it on the television.
If you are one of many hosting an Aussie day BBQ tomorrow and have left the dessert off the list, or just plainly forgotten about it, then these Tim Tam, Milo and Coconut balls are too easy to make.
We celebrated Aussie Day lunch last year at Blondie’s place and from memory it was one of those typical hot and humid days. I had volunteered to make dessert and wanted to make something with an Australiana theme, other than lamingtons and something that didnt need to be baked. IGA was selling Tim Tams for half the price so the ball idea began.
No cooking, no mess no fuss but yummy!
Bella 🙂