This smoked onion jam is a gorgeous recipe which is simple to make and will have the crowds begging for more! There are no mystery steps in making this smoked onion jam and there are literally a thousand other similar recipes out there so don’t be afraid to give one a test drive! I guarantee you will be addicted!
Call me old fashioned but there is something very satisfying about making yourself a sandwich with crusty sourdough bread, some ham or turkey, cheese and slapping on a dollop of home made jam and this smoked onion jam goes with almost anything, burgers, hot dogs, cheese and crackers and the list goes on.
When I was growing up products like jam, chutney, relish and pickles conjured up images of little old ladies cooking up a storm in their kitchen for the weekend school fete. Purchasing these neither interested me nor did I have any desire to eat them! I actually ran a mile from such stalls. Fast forward a few years and Blondie will tell you how much I love to browse through market stalls, quirky country corner shops to see what I can come across!
Blondie and I have grand ambitions of having a stall at the local weekend markets this year and while we would love to just sell our wild picked mushrooms we think we need to diversify a little, plus up until the last few day the rain has been very sparse.
So why a smoked onion jam? Why not? I love onions, I love how they take on this amazing flavour when they are slow cooked and caramalised. As for adding a smoky falavour to them well that was a no-brainer! I think it is fair to say that if Blondie and I could come up with a smoked ice cream that tasted absolutely divine…we probably would!
Adding the smoked liquid gives this jam an earthy taste and when the onions melt in your mouth its like you are sitting on the side bench at a cold and miserable game of footy and someone hands you the most perfect tasting, mouth watering hot dog or burger.
I personally love the jam on crusty bread with some fresh ricotta. I dare you to try it!
The jam will keep in your fridge for about 3-4 weeks…if it lasts that long!